No institution issues you a Licence to operate machineries EXCEPT you have first gone through proper instructions: be it Drivers License (to drive), Medical School license (to practice medicine) and the list goes on.
So how is it that people are issued certificates/licenses on areas like Marriage, Ministry and allowed to administer other people’s lives in such vital areas that they have no prior training? Are there truths that once we know will set our world free?
Here comes City Gate School Of Ministry. We exist to ‘Release TRUTH…Build RELEVANCE…Develop LEADERS’
We exist for the following reasons:
Provide biblical balance to church doctrines.
Equip Christian men and women to be ready for the demands of leading the next generation of the unchurched back to the principles of Christ.
Purpose Scripture:
To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.(John 8:31,32 NIV)
We are a Bible Institute (‘School Of Ministry’) targeted at equipping believers in Christ for victory in issues of everyday life and ministry; teaching them sound principles of leadership; and helping them in building a ministry based on biblical principles.
Simply put, we seek to:
(i) Equip Christians for Leadership In The 21st Century.
(ii) We seek to “perfect” the saints” (Eph.4:12,Eph.2:20-22) ; which “perfecting”(Gk:“Kata-artismos” with ‘Kata’ meaning “intensive” and “artizoo” meaning to fit or adapt). Adam Clarke’s Commentary describes this as “the reducing of a dislocated joint to fit back into its proper place”.
Hence, we help believers fit and adapt into their right positions within the Body of Christ to which they belong. This we will do by providing biblical and life resources from proven 5-fold Ministry gifts persons in the Body of Christ.
In order to develop a believer who is capable of ‘owning’ their own faith and in doctrine at all times in all situations anywhere in the world, we developed a curriculum that consists of basic tenets of the christian faith.
The curriculum consists of courses that will expand the frontiers of the believer’s faith experience as well as dig deep into the root of these tenets and deliver them in practical terms such that the student can understand and use the learning immediately.
This approach provides objectivity and practicable solutions to real life issues using biblical perspectives. We call it “What will you do with this tomorrow?”
The courses are in 5 different categories:
- Historical.
- Doctrinal & Biblical.
- Personal (Everyday) Life.
- Administration.
- Ministerial.
Email:, WhatsApp & Telephone: (+234) 802 318 2030 God Bless You!