It’s Not Over Until You Win
“From the fruit of their mouth a person’s stomach is filled; with the harvest of their lips they are satisfied.”
– Proverbs 18:20 (NIV)
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
A wise man once said, “your environment is not your reality”.
Jesus demonstrated mastery over His environment in the wilderness by boldly declaring “IT IS WRITTEN…” (Matthew 4:7 – Jesus said to him again, ‘It is written…).
These three simple words profoundly defined His entire ministry. Right there in the wilderness, Jesus affirmed His unwavering confidence in God in a manner that pleased the Father.
Contrast this with the Israelites’ wilderness experience, (Exodus 14:11 – Then they said to Moses, “Because there were no graves in Egypt, have you taken us away to die in the wilderness? Why have you so dealt with us, to bring us up out of Egypt?).
Theirs was a wilderness journey laden with complaints, murmurings, doubts, tantrums, mood swings, and drama. Little wonder it lasted 40 years even though it could have been 40 days.
Indeed, we will all pass through the wilderness on the way to purpose. When you do, the template of Jesus is the shortcut.
A very hungry, thirsty, and famished Jesus may have been surrounded by the scorching heat, scarcity, dryness, and seeming recession, but within Him richly dwelt the oasis of God’s word, and out of it flowed “It Is Written”.
He put the devil to shame by refusing to submit to His environment. Disagree with the scarcity without, see beyond the screaming Satan.
Keep your gaze on what has been written and declare it over your life.
If your environment is in scarcity, let your internal (spirit man) stay refreshed and full of life. It is only a matter of time…you will overcome.
As the just concluded Men’s World Cup for football clearly showed, it’s not over until it is all over.
For God’s children, it is not over until you win, your Father is the author of life.
In Jesus’ Name, I declare that I have whatsoever I say. I, therefore, say I am the head and not the tail.
Abraham’s blessings are mine. I have the mind of Christ so I can solve all riddles, dreams, and challenges on my way.
I am blessed in every way. The work of my hand is blessed. The favor of the most-high God rests on my life, I am highly favored everywhere I go today and always.
(Kindly share with someone today)